Wednesday, July 2, 2008

GPS (Global Positioning System)

GPS (Global Positiong System) is navigation system uses 24 satellites MEO (Medium Earth Orbit or Middle Earth Orbit) that encircle earth until signal of receivers on the surface of earth can get the signal it. Orbit Satellite at height 12.000 miles above earth and can encircle two-time earth within 24 hours.
GPS Satellite in continuous deliver digital radio signal that contain data of satellite location and time, at coresponding receiver. GPS Satellite is provided with atomic clock that have fine timing one per one million second.
Based on this information, receiver station knows how long time that used [by] to send signal till to receiver on earth. Longer time that used by to come to to receiver, mean growing far satellite position from receiver station.

Given the satellite position, receiver knows that satellite it is at certain position at surface of imaginary ball that satellite centre on. By using three satellites, GPS can count/calculate transversal and receiver longituade based on intersection of the three of imaginary ball are referred . Whereas to determine height is utilized four satellites.
GPS are developed and operated by Department of Defense America. Initialy GPS are recognized with NAVSTAR (Navigation System with Timing and Ranging). Initialy GPS are utilized to provide navigation ability a spell of, in all weather for land military, sea, and also air.

Beside for navigation and penetuan geographical position, GPS now also is being utilized for mapping, forestry, mineral exploration, wild habitat management, and observation of resident transfer.

Do GPS can use optimally in country Indonesia? Remember country Indonesia consist of many islands that disjointed. And still many small that have not yet mapped. More than anything else add still expensive its internet tariff in Indonesia, remember to access this GPS also needs internet connection. We see just its answer according to technology growth in Indonesia. And also active role government is very required to realize technology in Indonesia in order to more onward one of them is system this GPS.

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