Saturday, July 5, 2008

Eat Tahu Can Be Senile

Tahu is popular food in Indonesia. Nevertheless ate knew too much affect make human recall deteriorates.

That thing is research result at 719 old people who live in rural and urban in Indonesia. Researchers finds, consumption knows in multitudes namely at least one day once, can make recall deteriorates. The core important is for people that more than 68 year.

During sent researcher from Loughborough University, UK, in journal of senility problem, Geriatrics, and Kognitif.

Food that made of this soy is source of alternative protein for some people in developing country. Still, latter soy consumption also mounts in western countries. Food is referred as often promoted as 'super food'.

Food from soy rich in mikronutrien so-called phytoestrogen, namely estrogen similar substance (one of hormone at woman). A research finds, this substance possibility can protect human brain and that have the age of middle from damage. Nevertheless its effect at old one who brain ill defined.

But newest study shows, phytoestrogen in high amount improve senility risk. Research Chief Profesor Eef Hogervorst tells, research that ever conducted previous find therapy relation estrogen at the height of senility risk by age more than 65 year.

In other hand estrogen and (possibility also) phytoestrogen tends to push cell growth. But estrogen high dose can push known as damage of particle consequence cell free radical.

Nevertheless there is damage indication referred is not caused by soybean cake, nevertheless by formaldehyde that sometime used in Indonesia upon which pengawet.

Researchers confesses, furthermore research is needed to ascertain what there is effect in common at ethnic group other. Though at previous research also find consumption correlation knows in gross can improve senility risk at clan greybeard Japan who live in America.

Other Study shows, eat tempe also can make human recall get with its. According to Profesor Hogervors, advantageous effect from Tempe attributed to the fact that food is referred as contain vitamin high folate that can lessen senility risk.

"Interaction between high level folate and phytoestrogen can obviate from cognate damage," he said.

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